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Left Brain

       Science. Math. Logic.

The Sixth Sun

A turn-based, asynchronous board game set in space.

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A diary app for the modern age.

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A Real-Time Non-Euclidean Ray-tracer

A GPU based Ray-tracer I wrote, allowing the arbitrary redefinition of space.

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WeBWorK for Android

An android app for accessing the WeBWorK assignment system.

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Mass Effect Fan-film

A work-in-progress Mass Effect Fan-film.

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Tell Me a Roguelike

What if every time you booted up a game, the story was different?

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Digital Paintings

Digital Paintings I've created.

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TGen Helios Scholars Internship

Parallel tumor analysis software written for the 2012 Helios Scholars at TGen internship.

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Idea Gamer

A YouTube channel about the emotional and intellectual value of video games.

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PoyBox Engine

A flexible 3D engine written for Python-Ogre.

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Android Apps

(Mostly lame) games made for Android.

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Real-Time Terrain Rendering

Basic improvements to a terrain-rendering system.

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Hamilton National Honors Society Website

Website I developed for my school's NHS chapter.

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Dyadic Social Interaction Assistant

Social interaction assistant for the visually impaired.

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Hamilton Speech and Debate Website

Website I coded from scratch in python (Google App Engine) for my school's forensics team.

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Solaris Machinae Engine

A open-source versitile 2D game engine with a scene editor.

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Voxel Terrain Engine

Voxel Terrain Engine written in C++ and OpenGL.

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A flashlight that reveals new realities.

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Basic Math Engine

Math engine built as a project for Calc 3/DEQ.

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A Parallel Algorithm for Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition

A hand gesture recognition system built to explore new methods of Human-Computer Interaction.

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Pyramid 3D Game Engine

A 3D scripting-based game engine. I still reuse code from this today.

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Bus Route Optimization

Science project where I optimized school bus routes.

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Honeywell Fiesta Bowl Aerospace Challenge 2007

In seventh grade, me and two friends entered a competition to design the next International Space Station. We ended up getting 2nd out about 200 teams.

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Star of Doom (2nd Attempt)

The second attempt at making Star of Doom.

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Cow Moostache 2D Game Engine

A game engine that I made in sixth grade.

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