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Star of Doom (2nd Attempt)


    Way back in seventh grade, I started to re-try Star of Doom - in 3D! Using the Irrlicht3D game engine, I tried to take concepts from existing RPG's to create my own. This attempt died because of bad code organization - it essentially ate itself. I had thousand sof lines of code clutterung my project, making it impossible to add any new features without breaking existing ones.

    Seeing as every good video game has music of some kind, I hence I began my first foray into the world of music. As part of this attempt, I made a few annoying tunes that I still can't get out my head today. The game eventually died, but the music lived on.

Main Menu

Ah yes. Anyone who played the last released version of the game recognizes this song. Probably the most annoying thing I have ever done.

Game Over

The moment I heard this section from a Kabalevsky song, I knew it was a perfect Game Over song.

Theme 1

This almost 2 minute song was planned too be used as the main theme for the character Zanther. I think I overdid on the instruments.

You can dowload all three tunes in mp3 format over here:


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Left Brain    Games    Right Brain    Junior High    Music    Star of Doom   
