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The Sixth Sun

The Concept

The Sixth Sun is a board game set in space, which can be played both asynchronously or in real-time. The initial goal is to make a web-based version, then create Android/iOS clients.


WebGL Player

WebGL Player Preliminary WebGL player, created using Three.js and Socket.IO. Partially playable.



Android App

Android Client

A basic test, created with Unity, where the client is authenticated and downloads the level layout. Not playable.

Original Prototype


The original prototype, created using pure DOM and Socket.IO. Can play full games to completion.

Lore (Preliminary)

An UNKNOWN FORCE causes the people of several cultures around the world to find themselves on different planets of the [ ] system, in a dense globular star cluster far from Earth.

The dominant Aztec of Central America, the fractured and divided Christians of Europe, and the powerful Ottomans of Anatolia themselves on the various planets of the [ ] system.

The event quickly came to figure heavily in the religion of each of these people.

The Muslim Ottomans spoke of the “great hajj,” the day they would return to the planet of their forefathers. They saw the event as a challenge placed before them by God, and over time they dedicated themselves to a return to Earth.

The Europeans, not realizing that other peoples had been whisked away as well, were quick to blame some dark magic relating to the Muslims as the source of their misfortune, as was the custom at the time, and the quest for a return to earth became known as the “final crusade.”

The Aztec soon came to believe that the era of the Fifth Sun had come to an end, and they, the survivors, were now living under the light of the Sixth Sun. It was up to them, they conceived, to nourish this sun as their forefathers had their own; by sacrifice, offerings of blood. Finding themselves alone on their new planet, the Aztec were soon engaged in a scramble to send ships into the stars, to search for and wage war on others, in order to provide offerings to the sun.

It was not long before these peoples encountered each other in the space of the [ ] system. The Aztecs prepared to wage war. The Ottomans armed themselves for a long, arduous return to Earth. And the Europeans built great ships to carry forward their final crusade, intending to sweep aside opposition.

With an eye towards making their way towards earth, the Europeans and Ottomans became highly mobile, able to use resources and planets in space to construct and launch ships as they carried forward in their moving war towards Earth. The Aztecs were forced to follow suit, for as soon as the Europeans and Ottomans had left the [ ] system, there were no foreign people remaining to sacrifice for the Sixth Sun. So the Aztec fleets pursued, waging a cosmic war in hopes that their universe would not suffer the same fate as that of the Fifth Sun.

A thousand years and untold distances later, the situation remained; the Ottomans and Europeans fighting each other as they made slow progress towards Earth, and the Aztecs hot on their heels. The traveling peoples would stop to rest and collect resources only briefly at systems along the way in their mutually destructive pilgrimage. And each time they stopped, they without fail ended up competing violently with each other for that system’s resources.

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