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Android Apps

    Mobile Experiments.

    These are a list of some very simple games that I made for the Android platform. They are no longer available on the Google Play store, because I was somewhat embarrassed by their quality. They are, however, complete games.

I Am Alone


    I Am Alone was developed in Haxe as a crossplatform game. The original intent was to match up various gameplay concepts with a line of poetry. The game was mildly enjoyable - the only issue is HaxePunk didn't support hardware acceleration at the time, so the game lagged horribly on many devices.

Tunnel Runner


    The first version of Tunnel Runner was created in about four hours. Over the next couple of days, I updated the game based off comments. I had many issues with lag and adapting to various screen resolutions.



    The first android game I ever completed. The game had a lot of bugs, and didn't work on different screen resolutions.

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Left Brain    Games    Android   
