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The Premise

     In Lovecraft's short story "The Call of Cthulhu," a group of sailors find themselves stranded on the ancient city of R'lyeh - the home of Cthulhu. R'lyeh is described in the story as Non-Euclidean; Lovecraft seems to imply that it is indescribable.

     What if, with technology, you could explore that world. Bring to life a world that defies standard connotations of space. That is the premise that drove the creation of this raytracer.

     Right now, it is in a very early stage, but I hope to turn it into a fully-fledged puzzle game one day.

Demo (with Commentary):

Level Editor Demonstration:

Technology Overview


C++ - The main application
GLSL - The actual shader that peforms the Ray-tracing
Lua - Write scripts that control both the game logic and map/trigger behavior
Python - The language in which the Level Editor was written in.


SFML - Handles window loading, drawing of the quad, post-processing, and input

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Left Brain    Games    Game Engines   
