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Pyramid 3D Game Engine


    In November 2009 sometime, I had a sudden idea for creating a game engine. One that had the ability to create basic first person shooter games with relatively little work. This idea became the Tetron Wars Engine. The name later got changed to the Pyramid FPS Engine (it sounded cooler) and then to just the Pyramid 3D Engine. The game engine originally utilized Irrlicht for 3D rendering, but I quickly switched to the Ogre3D engine, because of it's flexibility and power. The Pyramid 3D Engine, even though it is 3D, is the spiritual predecessor to the Solaris Machinae Engine. I say that because the mistakes made while making this engine taught me a lot, which I later integrated into the SME. In fact, the first project to use PGE was a game called "Solaris Machinae", but not the one in it's current form. It was a simple 3D RPG which didn't get much further than the menu.

The Original Version of PGE had several key features:

- Full control from lua scripting (Lua rocks!)

- An Actor object which handles movement, physics, rendering, etc

- Loading from .scene files created in blender

- Physics using the Newton Game Dynamics Engine

- Full wrapper for CEGUI

    Although the Pyramid Engine is mostly inactive now, a full revamp is planned, with several features to be integrated that would make it function much more efficiently.


Version 0.1:

RAR Binary (Windows) - Engine plus an example application

API Documentation - HTML Docs Generated by Doxygen

Basics Tutorial - WIP Tutorial covering engine basics

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Left Brain    Game Engines   




GUI features

Awesome looking shadows

Map loading test

Original Irrlicht Version