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     Certamen is a game that was created as a means of testing the python-ogre bindings of the Ogre3D game engine. The game was first conceived after playing The Lord of The Elementals, winner of the Unofficial Four Elements Contest.

      The game is a tower defense game in which the player must use his elemental to build turrets to attack both an enemy elemental, as well as the turrets of the enemy. Turrets die out over time, as well as when attacked, so a player can build Resource Centers to keep his turrets alive. Over time, a complex self-sufficient system will hopefully emerge, that effectively checkmates the enemy.

     The game is not very graphically intense, but may run slow due to inefficiencies in the game. The game also implements a very basic AI system. Above all, for a game that took one week, I would consider it decent.


Binary Windows Installer:

Python Source:

Blog Post

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Gameplay Video

6 stages and a tutorial

2 possible unit types too build

The game can get complex really fast