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Visual Effects


   I've always been a fan of visual effects in movies. In my opinion, they can aid a filmmaker in captivating and engrossing his audience in a world that they create.


   On this page, I've attempted to make a comprensive assemblage of various experiments that I've done into visual effects.

Mass Effect Fanfilm Test

2D Tracking with Mocha

2D Tracking/Character Animation

2D Tracking

Gratuitous Use of Green Screen

Depth of Field, Particles, Panning, Zooming, Tilting

Green Screen using a demo version of FxHome CompositeLab (Awesome software)

Insert 3D into Live Action using Blender

Green Screen test using Blender compositing nodes

Test of Adobe After Effects combined with free stock footage

Test of Effects in a demo version of FxHome VisionLab

Test of CGI in blender (Made in Fifth Grade)

Auto Lightsaber without rotoscoping


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